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How does all this shit relate to the market ?

9 ответов

6 просмотров

people sell on headlines and propaganda we live under the most heavily aggressive psychological manipulation campaign in the planet's (known) history. everything reacts to it. and right now they've just mass-produced confusion and anxiety for everyone. they keep doing this. on and off and on and off. covid was the last big scare, now it will be this. then it calm down, and they'll invent more problems only they have the magic solution to.

Nick- Автор вопроса
Nick- Автор вопроса
Nick- Автор вопроса
SirMicroscopicStacks 🔬🔬🔬
I agree fren

It’s good dummies going to make me rich

SirMicroscopicStacks 🔬🔬🔬
people sell on headlines and propaganda we live un...

Are you crazy!? Don’t you see that Russia is attacking the Ukraine? You think that’s a fake script? Are you out of your mind?

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