209 похожих чатов

Hmm, yeah, they never described the mechanism for how cvxFXS

holders would redeem the veFXS rewards - seems like putting into the LP is the way they are doing it (how would they even know when someone acquired their cvxFXS token/how long they should be giving out rewards for unless there was like a post-staking token)? Anyway, I think it'd be more effective to complain on the Convex Discord - once you turned your FXS to cvxFXS there's not anything that Frax can do about it. Personally, I just took the haircut to get into cvxFXS/FXS earlier rather than later. If rewards stay at ~100%, will make it up in a few months. Also, at 25% discount on the flip side, maybe worth depositing some spare FXS in for the rewards

1 ответов

11 просмотров

No we did. It was literally on the site right next to the deposit button

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