209 похожих чатов

Now i m out of range , in a eth-usdc

pool . If i remove the liquidity i m going to suffer the impermanent loss?

2 ответов

7 просмотров

When you provide, say, 1 vETH and 3000 vUSDC, initially your position = 0. when price goes up to 3100, you sell some vETH for vUSDC (depending on your range), so you might sell 0.1 vETH at an average price of 3050, so you now have 0.9 vETH and 3305 vUSDC, but you must still return 1 vETH and 3000 vUSDC when you remove liquidity, this means you have impremanent position of short 0.1 ETH at price of 3050, and you also have current impermanent loss of 0.1 * (3050 - 3100) = -5 Hope that makes sense You can read more here https://v2docs.perp.fi/for-makers/provide-liquidity-manually

Alberto- Автор вопроса

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