209 похожих чатов

Just for fun…can anyone give me example of something major/impactful

for boba that can come from Turing?

Like could it be game changing? I don’t “fully” understand the technical details so curious if it will be something huge for boba.

I’m bored and looking for reasons for some excite. 😬

3 ответов

14 просмотров

It enables Web2/Web3 interoperability - so if you are a web2 company wanting to develop a Web3 settlement layer for example Turing makes that very easy

R-H Автор вопроса
Jan Liphardt
It enables Web2/Web3 interoperability - so if you ...

Thank you for the reply Jan. One can only imagine the possibilities as this network gets built out and catches on. 🚀

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