209 похожих чатов

When available TKO lock, lauchpad bro ? 😮‍💨🥱 , holder

, it's waiting too long @Galaxy_Tokocrypto

6 ответов

14 просмотров
Ku2H_07- Автор вопроса

and the launchpad?

and the launchpad?

launchpad will probably happen at the end of the year, I think tko lock is a diversion so that people forget that there is a lauchpad

Crypto Installer
launchpad will probably happen at the end of the y...

Hoam, on roadmap written Q1. This month is the end of Q1 but there is no any clue and news

Cherry Chai
Hoam, on roadmap written Q1. This month is the end...

looks like it will change again, don't know why it has to change again, if it changes again it's fixed that the tokocrypto really doesn't match the roadmap in the roadmap

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