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Apologies to the community for the previous mix up and


Next Question:

What are some of the key features of Kine Protocol?

1 ответов

11 просмотров

Here at Kine Protocol, we always aim to provide our users with lighting fast trading experience: 1. Our platform supports smart deposit & withdraw, users can easily connect to our exchange with Metamask wallet, this eases the registration process and brings higher efficiency compared to CeFi which, most of the case, will require additional KYC from users. 2. Peer-to-Pool modal provides unlimited liquidity, thus help brings real-time trading experience to users without traditional order-book system. 3. We also expect cross-chain experience to play a large part in our growth and user experience improvement. Now our platform supports Ethereum, BNB Chain, Polygon and Avalanche. Also with Kine’s unique tech solution, Kine can easily adopt to any chain in DeFI in the future. 4. Some of our advanced trading features include open / split position in both cross margin and isolate margin models; 1-100 leverage trading with multiple crypto assets, etc. Kine incorporates synthetic funding rates and auto-deleveraging features from CeFi that enable it to offer up to 100x leverage. Cross margins allow traders to take on leveraged long & short positions: greatly increasing capital utilization rate and fee incomes.

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