210 похожих чатов

Great. The core highlight of the Kine Protocol design is infinite

liquidity and unlimited trading varieties, which guarantees transaction speed, supports higher leverage and higher frequency experience. Do you put the user experience first when designing the product?

2 ответов

14 просмотров

Definitely yes! We are a bunch of engineers who love trading, many are excellent traders, we have been in the derivatives business for years. We are excited to bring our deep expertise across traditional finance and the crypto-native centralized trading platforms to the world of DeFi. During our crypto trading, we are not satisfied with current trading environment, we identified a lot of issues affects our trading experience: lack of liquidity, low leverage, slow execution, high gas fee with cross margin support, latency, asset security, etc. Eventually instead of waiting for a perfect platform to come to existence, we decided to create one for ourselves and everybody who loves trading. Especially with the raise of DeFi, the timing is perfect for us to do so.

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