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Hi. Homora V2 user for a few months. Need a

doubt cleared. Anyone can help?

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6 просмотров


Bebeumaf- Автор вопроса

OK. So in homora, if you want to short sell avax, you supply usdc for ex you can supply DAI and just borrow an higher ammount of avax (let's say 2x). If you borrow 2x avax, as avax price goes up, your LP also goes up. So except for IL you never get to your liquidation price right? In the UI if you supply 1000$ of USDC and borrow 1000$ worth of avax, it tells you your liquidation price is 150. But I don't think it's correct. When avax gets to 150, your LP will be worth 3000$ and your borrowed ammount will be 2000$ right? (except for IL...ignoring it). The UI just does the math that you supplied 1000$ and now you owe 1000$ extra so you get liquidated right?

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