209 похожих чатов

Hi team, Can someone shed some light on CTSI

tokenomics and more specifically Value Accrual in the token’s use case? I am a happy holder and have been staking my bag for 2 months now! Thank you in advance and keep up the great development.

4 ответов

17 просмотров

Hello! You can view the foundation’s transparency reports on our blog: https://medium.com/cartesi/tagged/transparency The latest one and supply curve is here: https://medium.com/cartesi/ctsi-foundation-reserve-transparency-report-january-2022-e2e8ac523053

Willy ETHbags-Harris Автор вопроса
Nida | Cartesi - Never DM first or ask for funds!
Hello! You can view the foundation’s transparency ...

I appreciate the link but my main question is what are the CTSI token use cases and value accrual mechanisms?

Willy ETHbags Harris
I appreciate the link but my main question is what...

For now its kinda useless token, if we talk about future, unlimited use cases

Willy ETHbags-Harris Автор вопроса
For now its kinda useless token, if we talk about ...

Right but future is important. ETH has many use cases and it would make sense for CTSI to have some planned use.

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