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I found this while researching this topic. A verified account says

“(1. Rules against self-tipping only apply to our promotional BAT token grants. You are allowed to tip anyone (including yourself) with BAT that you earn via Brave Ads, or BAT that you self-fund with your own money.)but community.brave.com moderators say we shouldn’t. Can I tip myself? Or can’t I send it? I didnt understand. I earn 4-5 bats with brave ads. Can i tip myself this bats?

7 ответов

22 просмотра

I guess you can if you have a Brave Creator account and a Brave verified social media account

Tolga- Автор вопроса
AceLolzz ⟁ (won't DM you first)
Then I guess you can do that

I tried to do this and after that the creator came under review

How many did you tip?

Little more than 30 bat

Little more than 30 bat

Ohh, so its not safe to self tip big numbers. Best of luck, hope they won't take back your bat. Lesson learned - self tip only smaller amounts.

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