210 похожих чатов

Iso20022 is in November right? Staking ccip this year, idk

when swift is gonna be a thing but I’ve seen many confirmations so ok I guess we wait. Until hybrid smart contracts and collateral come into play, I imagine it’s sandbox time. Time to try and accumulate for me at least.

Do you think staking link for the “layman” is gonna be opportunistic? All I know is bancor LQ providing for like 2.5% link but I’m kind of new hence my stack. Also newish to crypto, deep dive starting in October during bull run. I’m doing my best sorry for ignorance I got kicked out of a group cuz I talked too much so if I talk too much lmk and I’ll see myself out

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11 просмотров


Scoville-G Автор вопроса

Thank you for the analysis. Guess I have a few options I appreciate it

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