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But for even all of the 2021 let’s get rich

fast bull runners like me, like is no one even trying to understand what blockchain is/does, trying to understand a world without third party intermediaries. Cuz most of my work friends who also bought still showing me pennants n shit and have 0 knowledge of their own coins updates/upgrades. I just don’t understand how people aren’t diving into it. And I’m kinda stupid n trying to figure it out as I go tbh, but it’s hard to follow sometimes.

I wonder what Schmidt is actually doing behind the scenes. Hand shakes with top 100 companies? Just there to be a name? Any info on that?

2 ответов

8 просмотров

Chainlink isn't for retail. Schmidt is attached because chainlink is the next big data play and he wants to cement his legacy, also re his interest in AI. They are not going to tell you who they are speaking to behind the scenes.

Schmidt has special connection to Ronald to get Bigmacs at wholesale price because inflation

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