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SGN V2 Public Staking is LIVE!!! 🚀The moment we've all been

waiting for: Celer State Guardian Network v2 public staking is now live!
💰Celer cross-chain message and cBridge bridging fees now flow directly to $CELR stakers!
🌉First-of-its-kind multi-chain interoperability value capture

❤️ New to Celer? The SGN is the beating heart of Celer’s multi-chain interoperability protocol that enables one-click UX for next-gen inter-chain dApps
📖To learn more about the importance of $CELR staking and how $CELR captures value of Celer Network https://www.celer.network/technology

🤩SGN v2 comes with significantly improved staking UX!
🦺Help secure the best multi-blockchain interoperability protocol by staking your $CELR at http://sgn.celer.network
👟For existing $CELR stakers, you can migrate your stake from v1 to v2 easily at http://sgn-v1.celer.network

🌉 To learn more about the Celer Inter-chain Message Framework and how it’s helping to build a multi-chain future, check out our blog post here:

Like and Retweet: https://twitter.com/CelerNetwork/status/1503939882338594819

3 ответов

10 просмотров


Brilliant and delivered

You guys should really create an App similar to the Mair App that EGLD has. Now that would be a game changer! They make it so easy and convenient and fast to stake.

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