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I'M trying to wrap my head around a question (really

stupid one)

—> so the biggest pool right now is FRAX-3CRV
—> what if, say all the centralized stablecoin becomes 0 (USDC, USDT), how would frax ecosystem react to this?

5 ответов

18 просмотров

if it happened today FRAX would implode, but as time passes the outcome will change.

Frank- Автор вопроса
hmm, how would the endgame be different , say, 3 y...

over time we are moving away from central stable coin backing

Wasn't btc backing voted down? What other assets are we moving towards?

Wasn't btc backing voted down? What other assets ...

the vote for BTC was to build up treasury assets, not for frax backing, but generally speaking all assets FRAX holds could be used for 2nd reserve fund for backing, we currently hold about 20 different assets (OHM, ETH, TEMPLE, TOKE, ect) . FRAX is an algo stable coin, so the algorithm will back a larger amount of FRAX.

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