210 похожих чатов

My thoughts exactly drake. The CBDC mass surveillance conspiracy and

WEF global reset new world order like I imagine the outcome is gonna be in between the extreme. Like sure maybe they give CBDC for people like they gave stimulus but limit what you can buy. The Chinese social system is terrible but also that’s a dictatorship. Democracy has its flaws but it’s better than that. We shall see how it goes.

Is that related to the recent paper Juels wrote about CANDID? Same shit right?

3 ответов

8 просмотров

yeah but worrying about conspiracies is a bit of a first world problem, imagine not having access to banking or simply being fee'd or minimum'd out to most financial vehicles, which is why for me its a bit of a tradeoff, i think both sides are valid but it cant all be about "freedom"

Look into UBI- Universal basic income, projects like XDAI are behind it and Kleros

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