210 похожих чатов

I have enough of this. it's a constant fud. I

have been a hodl for 3 years. does it still make sense? eth 2.0 better than link? Is it even possible?

2 ответов

14 просмотров

Nothing’s changed… “The oracle problem revolves around a very simple limitation—blockchains cannot pull in data from or push data out to any external system as built-in functionality. As such, blockchains are isolated networks, akin to a computer with no Internet connection. The isolation of a blockchain is the precise property that makes it extremely secure and reliable, as the network only needs to form consensus on a very basic set of binary (true/false) questions using data already stored inside of its ledger.” https://blog.chain.link/what-is-the-blockchain-oracle-problem

Nothing’s changed… “The oracle problem revolves ar...

This and also it doesn't even account for all of the other services that Chainlink offers that others can't even begin to compete with.

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