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I'M looking at this new nsbt staking and swaping but

I have a question.

From previous history, whale swap like 1m waves which is in current price is around 30m usd..

To have a limit a swaping 30m usd. Whale need to stake around 340k nsbt which around 10m usd to be lock in nsbt.

My question is, why would whale want their 10m usd money to be lock just to get 1x daily swap ?

Can anyone enlightened me please.

5 ответов

13 просмотров

Hi, the same reason these swaps were made before.

Reineshia-Cowen Автор вопроса
Hi, the same reason these swaps were made before.

Before, we dont need to lock nsbt to do swap and its not 1x daily

the way it was done in the beginning allowed to whales to suck out all the money from the SC, it went well for almost a year then somebody got it and started to manipulate waves price and take a ginormic profit from it ruining the ecosystem, so there was no other choice, something needed to be done

Reineshia-Cowen Автор вопроса
Il Poeta
the way it was done in the beginning allowed to wh...

This is true, but with current solution, imho, there will be a lot less swap

Reineshia Cowen
This is true, but with current solution, imho, the...

the swaps can be done one per day so they can divide the amount in many chunks

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