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Let’s continue describing the logic behind the #PowerDAO, and let’s

go deep again:)

What is Power actually? As a famous poet said “No man should have all that power”, but what is it in reality?

Centralized power is something human societies couldn’t exist without, they would just disintegrate into warring tribes. Power emanating from kings, governments, parlaments etc. provides cohesion within society, supplies it with common narratives (religion, nationalism, democracy… that could be different things), and tries to channel its energies into some direction.

Full decentralization wouldn’t probably work now; we are not so advanced as species, we need some coordination and a common ground to build on. We need some control center, the question is who is in control and what benefits they get from being on top. Even awful governments are better most of the time than no government at all; but how come we have so many of them?

Ability to govern might give you resources that you’re not supposed to get; now it is usually called corruption, before, when power was taken by force most of the time, it was just perks. At the end of the day we gather into societies to more effectively fight for scarce resources; if we lived in a world of abundance no one would probably care about politics and such. That’s why we need centralized governance, the problem is we do not really control it. It can be hijacked, and used to the advantage of those in power.

Instead of being a tool to make societies more effectively engage scarce resources it becomes scarce itself, Power becomes a resource you can aspire to and fight for.

Governance should become a tool, a means to an end, not the ultimate goal. We should select not the government, but the goals it has to achieve. Anybody with sufficient knowledge and experience can participate in decision-making processes aimed to achieve these goals, their performance should be tracked, and their future governance involvement will depend on it.

We bring Power back to the people, taking it from those who crave for it too much. The goal of Power DAO is to realize this model, where we have to choose what we want, and the right people will be chosen during the DAO operation to make it come true.

Famous poet:


21 ответов

22 просмотра

Sasha has good taste in music.

Sasha knows how to get his ideas across in the most creative way possible, that's great.

I'm ready for $POWER

Based Kanye West Fan 🔥


J Crypto
How do we get $Power?

Hello, wait a bit and follow the announcements in our news channel https://t.me/neutrino_protocol_news😎

Power Dao?

It's just still a concept, but it will be revolutionary

is kanye a ceo of power dao?

is kanye a ceo of power dao?

Hi, no, just nice music!

is kanye a ceo of power dao?

I hope it is! he is a genius in music and fashion ... he just needs to be a genius in business

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