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Is TVRS token will have airdrop for EPS ? TiraVerse

twitter details ? The coin in Hotbit .

10 ответов

9 просмотров

I'm staking EPS and if i do nothing now from 03/31/2022, what's happening?

You mean i should leave them there and do nothing. And after that, i claim rewards and locked EPS when it expired?

It mean i have to claim my rewards on March 31st. And my locking EPS, i can leave it there without worrying about it. It automatically convert to EPX after it expires?

If i stake single EPX, can i earn EPX like in Ellipsis 1.0? Or i must join in LP?

How about fees to vote using EPX, sir? It's free to vote or must use BNB is fees?

How about fees to boost rewards, sir?

The locker for uploading apy using boost is only useful for liquidity providers and doesn't work for me. Does this feature make any sense to your stash?

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