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My understanding was user will have to sent transaction from time to time like annual basis to renew, rather than just once. Nodes may change with option to change stake to different node. If user loses keys, then cannot renew stake by re sending proxy staking transaction, that should have expiration time like contract. If no keys then balance is auto-staked without reward.

Mannon- Автор вопроса
My understanding was user will have to sent transa...

This is a HIP. This does not mean what is stated is the final version.

This is a HIP. This does not mean what is stated ...

The accounts with lost keys should of course depreciate balance and not get top up in any form from staking. Any solution at the end that prevents that will be ok. I was clear for long, that there should be recovery solution for accounts with lost keys in first place to eliminate that problem. Using automatic account reneval fee that could be set up for that affected accounts on annual basis at 50B Hbar, for all Hbar from that accounts with lost keys to returned to treasury first. Then from treasury to new account created by rightful owner (via attorney). Other users should either not pay anny account fee at that time or at standard rate. Finding one solution to fix other that should not exist in first place, is like go around method. Users should feel confident if they make mistakes the funds are not lost, like with lost car keys (or misplaced as sent to wrong account) nobody trashes e.g. $30K car. You re-key it.

Mannon- Автор вопроса
The accounts with lost keys should of course depre...

What you are suggesting is a custodial wallet. Where you allow another party to know your keys. Some positives and negatives with approach. I am a big fan of a company making that solution but I want that as an option on top of Hedera not Hedera being that option. Hedera doesn’t know and should never know your private keys.

What you are suggesting is a custodial wallet. Wh...

No custodial solution but recovery at ledger. Auto renewal for accounts is done automatically without even users sharing keys with Hedera. I just made analogy. In car industry of course manufacturers have key templates. In ledgers and especially in Hedera with automatic account fee the other simpler solution could be used, without Hedera owning any key templates (as they don't). Account fee is taken automatically from user accounts regardless if they have access to keys or lost it, that's the point of solution. Account fee is set up by council and could be set up at any level to use that also for purpose of recovery of all funds. The 50B Hbar fee for symbolic purpose only as total supply, so all funds from affected accounts to be returned in one go to treasury instead of standard micropayment fee. We know Hedera has stong stance of not doing any recovery and helping affected users, neither we have QR codes in wallet to avoid typos as one user did misplacing over 200k Hbar.

No custodial solution but recovery at ledger. Auto...

I’ve seen several wallets support qr codes

Lee Bullish
I’ve seen several wallets support qr codes

The key used in ecosystem aren't, and neither they are standardises QR codes

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