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@Ribka7 Could you please unban @carlosmatoss? Resolution ain't unbanning him

3 ответов

7 просмотров

Can't do serr I have no access

Sorry Dexter, as the one who initiated the ban on carlos, I will say limits were crossed in the amount of fun he was having vs the disruption of the channel. I tried to take into account his long term standing but the vast majority of his messages were to create arguements or insult users. You can relay the message if you would like so there is some clarity as to why the decision has been made.

Dexter Morgan-Morgan Автор вопроса
Quake 🐼 (Binance Angel)
Sorry Dexter, as the one who initiated the ban on ...

I understand ser. He been too slangy all along and we got used to it. But if it offended someone, can't do nothing bout it. Anyway, will letim know da reason Y he got banned.

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