210 похожих чатов

Changed my price target from 1$ to 0.5$, is it

more realistic?

5 ответов

10 просмотров

1$ to 5$ or 10$ it's really thing 😉😉

Mojtaba Houshmandi
1$ to 5$ or 10$ it's really thing 😉😉

Haha even 1$ is a dream. U probably dont know how chart works

Haha even 1$ is a dream. U probably dont know how ...

Web3 is change dream to reality 😉😉 How thing Sand from 0.4 go to 8$? For Metavers. That not important how chart work, but it's very important that money's come on Vet and marketcap it,s 40B$

Haha even 1$ is a dream. U probably dont know how ...

Also, remember in mind that in the financial stock anything is possible, even if it is a dream Good luck

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