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Hey bobafam, I figure most of you have probably forgotten

by know, but I wanted to apologize on behalf of the boba team for promoting SwapperChan early on. The team has rugged. We take our ecosystem very seriously: we KYC everyone we promote, along with several other strong legal measures. In this particular case, the swapper team raised money from several prominent crypto venture funds as well. These are serious legal agreements and his actions amount to theft.

It is unfortunate that this type of behavior is not uncommon in our industry, but we are taking action. We are in touch with the legal authorities in Singapore and are actively pursuing legal remorse.

We’re also happy to dox the SwapperChan dev - are you guys interested?

2 ответов

13 просмотров

I didnt get involved with swapperchan but yes they should be doxxed as a lesson to other projects that partnered and got sponsored by boba.

I didnt get involved with swapperchan but yes they...

I second this, especialy dox them to the people who got involed and lost money

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