209 похожих чатов

Can someone here tell me how the new regulation for

private wallets in EU affects monero holders? I just can‘t wrap my head around how they will endorce that shit?

4 ответов

13 просмотров

If you want to transfer funds from a self hosted wallet to a CEX, you need to verifiy your private wallet (however that will be done with all that KYC/AML bullshit). Since this is barely feasible, it is likely (but just guessing) that CEX won't accept any crypto from self-hosted wallets anymore.

is this all CEXes now?

Kilgore Trout
is this all CEXes now?

Not right now. It is still not final. Will take a couple of months I guess.

Not right now. It is still not final. Will take a ...

burning bridges with us will not end well for them

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