to weth (arbitrum) and the path was via cbridge. It did this (apparantly successful)) but I don't find the weth? this was an hour ago.
Hi Joh, did you by any chance only did the once time necessary token approval (step 4 in the tutorial)? What does cBridge say in the history tab?
If it says complete on cBridge Transfer history, you can check the Arbiscan ETH balance, currently Arbiscan does not support the display of native ETH contact transfers. You are always welcome to submit a support ticket on cBridge, we will help look into it.
thank you and I checked the history tap and it stated completed. so I check and it is actually completed but I looked for WEth and I received ETH. so this is not clear to me. Hence Metamask doesn't show any WETH but it shows ETH... I could of course have made a mistake and swap it to eth by mistake. (i don't know.) you perhaps can clarify this more.
yes I see it is actually on BLockexplorer as Wrapped ETH but not showing on metamask...
Ahh no, you'll be receiving ETH. It's good to always verify the receiving token in the bridge. If you bridge you'll see how much and of which token you get on the destination chain
okay. yes I have my eth but why does it not show that you get ETH instead of Wrapped ETH.... (not a complaint) Does it make no difference? I don't do much bridging bc it is very difficult and very complicated. when I saw the dex did it all for me and showed me the route it will take I was even more joyous... I have to pay again to swap but it isn't the amount of fees ETH transaction usually require.
It should show ^^ here an image from 1ETH bridge from FTM to Arbitrum
Do check whether you can use normal ETH, often you can 👍
thank you for your support.
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