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9 просмотров

Really enjoyed this article. I think you have clearly shown projects need to think real hard on their ROI on these types of events. Question to you….was your trip a waste of money? If so where would you have spent those same dollars and seen a bigger return?

Peter G. Uliano-Uliano Автор вопроса
Really enjoyed this article. I think you have c...

I don't think I wasted my money in a Hedera sense. Will hbar news see an immediate ROI from this? NO not at all but growth of the ecosystem can lead to growth for us. I think we educated and connected projects with hedera projects and I met Jacob and also met Andrew from TuneFm to talk some business, so my money wasn't wasted but attending the event was not as productive as it could have been if the actual convention was marketed better. I was blown away that out of at least 100 people we spoke to only 2 knew of Hedera and hbar.

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