209 похожих чатов

How do i upgrade gui wallet? Literally googling for hour

cant find guide...mine is trying to download chain again, how do i find chain and point new version to chain location ?

5 ответов

20 просмотров

Which os do you use?

Liam- Автор вопроса
Gey Tora
Which os do you use?

Windoze 7...i gave up let it download entire Block chain again ... half way now . Cant believe is this difficult to upgrade , absolutely not ready for main stream this needs work and documentation . Shit loads of docs white papers etc on web site but nothing on upgrading . Hit me up if need screen shots, testing or etc. Happy to help fix this gaping hole in work flow needs to be fixed for normies this is instant deal breaker for non tech person . Even me am revolted by this takes 24 hours + to upgrade!!!! No access to wallet or mining in this time this cant be for realz.

Windoze 7...i gave up let it download entire Block...

Just use a remote node if you need urgent access

Should be in wallet settings to point where your old blockchain is placed

Liam- Автор вопроса
Should be in wallet settings to point where your o...

don't understand why wallet cant remember block chain location during upgrade or if not possible then couldnt wallet or website provide procedure?

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