209 похожих чатов

9 ответов

9 просмотров

@SunilOnTelegram @KINGShivam77 Rishabh @Ank0490 and lot of other hidden gems we have

Yes you can


Should be able to answer without weed. 😊😊What's the Q?

XKeyscore- Автор вопроса
Sunil R
Should be able to answer without weed. 😊😊What's th...

Lol 😆... Just wanted to discuss about some coins

Lol 😆... Just wanted to discuss about some coins

If I know I'll tell, then there's rest of the gang.

XKeyscore- Автор вопроса
Ohkay let's start with MATIC

Good L2 more of L1 EVM lots of dapps.

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