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Do you want to get recognized by WazirX? 👏 Tribe,

I've always banned members who affect the sanctity of the WazirX Discuss group. But at the same time, some members have made this group a better place for other users by helping and contributing to the growth of this group.

Therefore, I have decided to reward these users every month with a SURPRISE GIVEAWAY 🥳 and WazirX Hero's title!

How to be a WazirX Hero?

✅ Be active in the group
✅ Engage in meaningful conversations
✅ Avoid creating FUD
✅ Tag @banhammerban when you find spammers

See you next month! 🙋‍♂️

1 ответов

7 просмотров

Ban Hammer has cleared warn history for Satish ● ▲ ■ (Won't DM you first)™

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