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Why Binance Hasn't Made a Support Announcement Are we still


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Kucoin has announced their support for the EPS->EPX token swap on 8th April. Link: https://www.kucoin.com/news/en-kucoin-will-support-the-token-swap-of-of-eps-to-epx We have reached out to exchanges and are working with them to ensure a seamless migration of user deposits. When we have news, it will be announced.

What was the reason you decided to launch eps to epx?

amirhoseyn fatemi
What was the reason you decided to launch eps to e...

📍New Supply Benefits 1. The longer duration, allows Ellipsis to provide incentives for a longer period of time. 2. The new supply (in EPS terms) versus the current supply (in EPS terms) won't come into effect for another 3.5 years (Aug 2025) when the original 1,000,000,000 (1B) EPS tokens is reached, plenty of time for lots of things to happen. 3. Having incentives for a longer period of time means projects will know that accumulating EPX for vote weight in order to steer emissions is something they know will be "worth it" for more than 5 years, in fact it will be for decades.

Yes I understood And will no one be allowed to sell epx or sell it until April 15?

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