209 похожих чатов

5 ответов

9 просмотров

Hello friend

Jaison-Dza Автор вопроса
Believer ● ▲ ■ (Won't DM you first)™

When i withdraw it says withdrawal has been blocked ask customer care why

Believer ● ▲ ■ (Won't DM you first)™
Then try to ask support

If you need help related to the WazirX app or website, kindly visit our Support section, and you'll find relevant articles. 📰 If you still face any issues, WazirX Chat Support is available 24*7 on the bottom right corner of the support page. 🙋‍♂️ Official support is not provided on Telegram. In case, someone sends you a PM first, report and block them. 💯

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