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Hi, any docs I can read on FPIS mechanism? I

think the FPI portion is pretty clear, just unclear how the FPIS accrues value etc

5 ответов

6 просмотров

This is our doc on FPI/FPIS https://docs.frax.finance/frax-price-index/inflation-hedge

This also a great insight on it: https://t.me/fraxfinance/185973 Additionally, FPI profits in excess of inflation and will be split between FPIS and FXS.

Victor-Chen Автор вопроса
Andy - IQ & Frax Finance - Attending GMVietnam 🇻🇳 @ TBW 13-18
This also a great insight on it: https://t.me/fra...

Thanks Andy. This is helpful. How should I think about FPI and how it goes about earning yield? Is it from the fees used to mint/redeem FPI from Frax, or something else?

Victor-Chen Автор вопроса

thanks. i get that with regard to FPI. but FPI i suppose needs to generate the yield somehow. so that's what I'm wondering now

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