209 похожих чатов

Also this. In fact this kind of strategy might work

well to avoid discouragement. Expectations are important and if the strategy does not damage the project (and I believe the Foundation made the decision taking this into account) then why not do something to make those expectations a reality?

1 ответов

14 просмотров

As you not helping network by doing such, no app has been build or tested or supported and it it is true the 50M goes for that or even more wasted resources. I know for fact that some wallets are not getting anything or enough enough to get them going and those founders put huge amount of their own money, to deliver wallets free of charge and added transactions fee. Yes beta wallets requires funding and may have some problems that are easy to fix. Wallets that don't getting money to improve it and putt QR scanners as they have no money for development.

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