Every day. Multiply the number of HBARX that you hold by the exchange rate you can find on the Stader staking page (currently 1.0023) to see how many HBAR your HBARX are worth. That exchange number will go up every day so the value of your HBARX will go up every day.
So as an example, you own 20K HbarX. 20,000 x 1.0023 = 20,046. So you earned a reward of 46 Hbar for that particular day?
Not quite. You would then subtract however many HBAR it cost you to buy those 20,000 HBARX and the difference would be how much you’ve earned in rewards in total since you swapped for the HBARX. You can compare those numbers day to day to come up with daily return if you’d like.
where do I see the current exchange rate?
Only place to see it is on the Stader staking page. Middle right side of page. It only changes once a day, so don’t need to keep checking throughout the day.
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