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Why buy FPIS instead of FXS if value of FPI

accrues to FXS?

5 ответов

5 просмотров
Jefferson- Автор вопроса

Some explanation please?

Some explanation please?

This might help explain things! https://t.me/fraxfinance/188528

By increasing more exposure to FPIS you're helping the growth of FPI. https://t.me/fraxfinance/185973

Jefferson- Автор вопроса
Andy - IQ & Frax Finance - Attending GMVietnam 🇻🇳 @ TBW 13-18
By increasing more exposure to FPIS you're helping...

That helps the protocol. I don't see how that leads to value accrual as an investor.

That helps the protocol. I don't see how that lead...

Not sure if you read the full post. By the growth of the token will also grow with the protocol hence benefiting the investors.

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