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If ethereum is Pos, gas fees will be reduced automatically.

In that case, what will Cartesi's "cheap gas fare slogan" be? Is this bad news for Cartesi?

7 ответов

9 просмотров

Shouldn't relate to cartesi at all, that sounds more like a question for Solana

ultramit- Автор вопроса

Why ? After becoming Etherum Pos, the gas fee will be from 30-40$ to maybe 1-2-3$. People use Cartesi to avoid Ethereum's high fees. I don't think there will be people running away for not paying 1-2$. Moreover, today, 1$ is paid to the tron ​​network for usdt transfer. every day

Why ? After becoming Etherum Pos, the gas fee wil...

1) cartesi is layer 2, not 1 2) it will take years to go to this 3) cartesi main aim is not to reduce gas fees

Why ? After becoming Etherum Pos, the gas fee wil...

Because the focus of cartesi is for developers to program using all programing languages, not to make fees cheaper

We’re actually very excited about ETH 2.0. Since Cartesi is a layer 2 solution we also depend on the usability and stability of the underlying blockchain on which Cartesi is running on. Improvements to the base layer, such as ETH 2.0, will make Cartesi much better. All our products will benefit from cheaper transactions, stable fee calculation and transaction throughput. It is not a threat because Cartesi and ETH 2.0 are tackling two different problems — and complement each other. It only makes Cartesi better. Running a Linux operating system and enabling mainstream software stacks is something that only Cartesi can do. Noether, our data availability sidechain, serves a different purpose than Ethereum since its goal is to allow huge amounts of ephemeral data. Sharding is great and it increases computation scalability by a lot, but it is orders of magnitude away from what we can provide by running an L2 solution. Cartesi + powerful L1 blockchains (or side-chains/L2) are going to open a lot of different doors that it is hard to imagine.

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