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I think the advantage of OR+privacy zkr on ETH is

that the ecosystem is basically all there and at different levels of battle-testing. Multiple teams building clients already, the only part Frax team needs to think about is the tokenomics of subsidizing/accruing free txs through yield (eg, ecosystem pays for initial txs and maybe adds in 1 free tx/day + has a built in account that has a formula based on a fraction of yield on balances or something). It's cool tech but from my perspective, I'm not sure where Mina adds unique value (no one uses it, it has no tooling, it doesn't provide anything that doesn't exist elsewhere in a more mature form?)

1 ответов

7 просмотров

Your suggestion sounds a lot better as it’s more complete and ready to go, I was just curious if Mina had anything to offer haha. But yeah their tech is neat but pretty far from completion

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