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Another question: can I use SYS dapps with ledger through


3 ответов

8 просмотров

I don't know for sure, because I don't use Ledger, but I guess so. Metamask is compatible with NEVM and with dApps, while Ledger with Metamask only interferes as an additional layer to sign transactions, so in theory, there should be no problem.

Krrl53- Автор вопроса
function(0x){Marki} | Syscoin | Rollux 🇪🇸🇮🇨
I don't know for sure, because I don't use Ledger,...

Ok, I thought it wasn’t compatible with because I can’t download the SYS app on my ledger, so I wouldn’t be able to sign any transaction trough it

Ok, I thought it wasn’t compatible with because I ...

I understand that Ledger is compatible with Metamask, but as I told you, only for the purposes of an additional transaction signature layer.

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