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Anything mentors do specifically? Want to participate, but not sure

I will have the time to make a full dApp while working on other projects

7 ответов

10 просмотров

Well, mentor is helping with advices and knowledge, e.g. ErgoScript knowledge. Please join!

kushti khushi
Well, mentor is helping with advices and knowledge...

what i want to say is that it would be cool if we had libraries or tutorials on how to put the dapp connector on the website. build tx etc etc because most people here are using anon_real auction house code and trying to figure out the rest

because we had the refundable ico smart contract ready but we struggle on the front end part (easy part) it would be awesome to see tools that help devs on these things. i can google how to put metamask to my site why not how to connect nautilus

Koutelier || WONT DM
because we had the refundable ico smart contract r...

So we need to put tutorials like that into topics ?

i didn't know that .i will search for it

Koutelier || WONT DM
i didn't know that .i will search for it

https://github.com/ThierryM1212/ergo-token-minter , please check

kushti khushi
https://github.com/ThierryM1212/ergo-token-minter ...

I checked that few days ago. I think this is a static page that helps you mint and burn tokens

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