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Anyways, I do believe in Nano because the tech is

phenomenal. This community needs to learn to accept cristism on the project. What happens if another project builds a DAG payment system like Nano or a DAG stablecoin, but also understands the market psychology on adoption.

How do you build adoption/marketshare? Look into the history of how Amazon, Samsung, TSMC, Apple, Toyota became monopolies and captured the market/adoption at whatever they are best at.

Aggressive awareness of the product is something NANO lacks in, great tech though.

6 ответов

13 просмотров

There are other coins built with DAG systems. However, as far as I know none of them are as decentralised as nano and feeless. I think many people in the crypto space misunderstand the purpose of a decentralised currency. A stable coin (equal to a fiat currency value) is not, and can never be, really decentralised. Since the supply of the currency, and therefore value of the currency, is always determined by a central authority- a government. The whole reason bitcoin was created that kick-started the whole crypto movement, was to take power away from central authorities like banks and governments that have the power to devalue currency. A stable coin can therefore never become a true global currency. They can still be useful though, but nano's goal is to become a globally accepted decentralised currency. Stablecoins are not competition in that sense. As for market share, I agree but those types of businesses are for-profit and as they grow, get more budget for marketing. The Nano Foundation is a non-profit organisation so there's less budget for these types of marketing efforts. That's why the nano community puts so much effort in grassroots campaigns. It's awesome to see that the community takes this responsibility for a large part and it makes the community a lot stronger I think! 💪😁 But yeah would've been awesome I guess if there were millions of budget for marketing to consumers from the NF- but there isn't. That's also why the NF puts a lot of focus in business connections and building use cases with business while the community, with ambassadors, community managers and moderators, put a lot of effort into the consumer side of things! :)

Floepst (I never PM first)
There are other coins built with DAG systems. Howe...

While us your arguments are strong and candid,they negate the very principle for which Nano came into being, There is need to incentivise especially new acquirers , There is need for renewed focus to address the growing dissenting voices, Do not ignore the voice of the community however irrelevant it may seem to you

ケ- Автор вопроса
Floepst (I never PM first)
There are other coins built with DAG systems. Howe...

Thank you for the detailed response! • "decentralized as nano and feeless." What truly makes a coin decentralized? For instance, is it the decision making of the roadmap? Nodes? % of NANO Holdings? Also, "Nonprofit" business can make as much money as any other corporation, the only thing that makes it a nonprofit is that they cannot pay out dividends, and any leftover money has to be reinvested into the nonprofit via. Employee raises or Betterment of infrastructure rather than extracted. Where does NANO get the money to sustain it's developers? 2 main questions: • Is it all volunteer work? So, programmers are working for free to create a decentralized currency. • Do the NANO engineers get paid a salary from the NF? Does that money come from the NANO coin shares? Then it's no different than a corporation. Can the NF answer these questions? What truly makes something decentralized? What if tomorrow, if a huge whale buys 40% of all of NANO. Does all of a sudden NANO become centralized? One person controlling a huge portion of the supply. • "NANO's goal is to become a globally accepted decentralized currency." • What are NANOs plans to be accepted by major economies/globally accepted by major governments US, EU, JP, India, Russia, China(crypto banned). Fundamentally, NANO challenges existing fiat currency like USD. So, what is NANO's long term plan to avoid being banned by major governments mentioned above that wants to maintain the status quo? Is there anywhere I can learn about this on the NANO website?

Peter Muthima
While us your arguments are strong and candid,they...

did you understand the "no funds" part? NANo isn't a company with millions of dollars marketing budgets to do advertising campaigns and stuff. The coin is here The tech is here The DAG is here The digital currency is here It's up to people to find it, it's not a secret, and people/the masses will i believe when they start getting sick of paying fees every time they send some crypto. People are still happy paying 50-60 dollar transaction fees for ETH but that sht will wane eventually, the masses are very slow. I cringe every time i have to pay a fee just to send to another wallet, even it's only 50 cents. People will flock to NANO one day once they wake up to reality.

Paul chestersonfield
did you understand the "no funds" part? NANo isn't...

...actually that is why the market is crashing now i truly believe. Ask yourself, do you think if ETH and BTC were as cheap and fast respectively as NANO that the market would be crashing...nay it would be booming.

Paul chestersonfield
did you understand the "no funds" part? NANo isn't...

The same tech has very major challenges on spamming txns ,why are you forget, I disagree that we wait for users who are tired 'that has no futuristic business sense,

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