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Do we know if Sony and Microsoft are gonna be

cool with it ? People buying items etc through a third party (ultra) ?

5 ответов

17 просмотров

You mean they may remove Elarium from their stores?

they already doing it ! Minecraft is Microsoft proprety and they selling stuff on the nintendo store !

Roy RREE-ᕫ Автор вопроса
UltraGeas (deprecated RubyFlake)
You mean they may remove Elarium from their stores...

I just don’t know how much those companies are aware of all this yet. I don’t really use modern consoles. Are there games where you buy in game stuff directly from another source. not giving royalty to Sony / ms / Nintendo. Or would they be the “marketplace” that also gets a cut of the sale ?

No, he meant they may ban NFT games like Steam.

Roy RREE-ᕫ Автор вопроса
UltraGeas (deprecated RubyFlake)
No, he meant they may ban NFT games like Steam.

If people who have no interest playing anyway start to scream and cry about it. That would put a lot of pressure on them to and that would really suck. You know how things are in this era. it’s actually better that we are slowly building up. Suddenly then gradually.

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