the phone which be able to communicate with the Xpos?
Xpos is software that is designed for Android based POS devices so yes any system using Xpos is upgradeable to use the web3 additions as far as I'm aware. Xpos added to devices that are partnered Pos devices that already have connection the banks can be used if you require merchant to bank TX's but understand the fiat system & crypto system are not the same system & the real concept of crypto is not to return to the fiat system so creating a doorway back to fiat is not really a forward direction in the adoption of cryptocurrency, but a merchant with access to Xpos and a standard POS device can act as an exchange if they have the appropriate licences
But fiat is a currency, we shouldn't cross out fiat and crypto, but adop both
that's what exchanges are for, you probably would need an exchange licence in your country to legally do that anyway, as i said if you have a standard system & Xpos could but not in one action, it's not a switch you know liquidity has to be created boths sides in every country, thats no easy ask
Was trying to share a picture...not allowed it think...
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