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Can one person explain why argentina football team was announced

as binance sponsor today? what happen to socios?

3 ответов

6 просмотров

1. please stop swearing all the time. Learn how to talk or be banned; Everytime you use the f word, its insulting to people in this group. 2. we are not sponsor of argentina football team, we don’t care about logos on jersey. We are the fan token partner of Argentina and there is a pending court case (which we won already 2 times early steps). I can’t comment more on that till case is resolved.

Jayden- Автор вопроса
Alex Dreyfus - $CHZ & SportFi
1. please stop swearing all the time. Learn how to...

when did i use the f word? can one person explain why argentina football team was announced as binance sponsor today? what happen to socios? where is the language in that?

Jayden- Автор вопроса
Alex Dreyfus - $CHZ & SportFi
1. please stop swearing all the time. Learn how to...

how does swaring offend others? maybe offends a bunch of fucken girls? wat a joke you are mate cya later

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