209 похожих чатов

Is it pretty straightforward to move the app to a

different phone? I no longer have access to the my old number

4 ответов

7 просмотров

Yes it is, but you need access to the phone number. I would suggest to change your phone number first.

Theresa-May Автор вопроса
Yes it is, but you need access to the phone number...

Can I just add a recovery phrase on my old phone then import like that?

Theresa May
Can I just add a recovery phrase on my old phone t...

It will still ask for a phone number or to contact support if you don’t have access to your phone number while recovering using the recovery phrase. Might as wel fix your phone number before moving the app to another phone.

Theresa May
Can I just add a recovery phrase on my old phone t...

Yes. It’s the best way to do it. But you have to change your phone number first, otherwise Swissborg will not recognize you on the new phone.

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