Yes, how can I assist you
I need website for Luna please.
The websites are unresponsive, millions or messages right now..
Going and buy it on binance
You need busd to buy it can I swap my avax for this
[ Photo ] Could you tell me the difference between the "upfront Astro reward" and the "Astro reward per 1000UST"? If I provide 1000UST as liquidity, what will I receive?
I apologize if this has been asked here…..In the past when I undelegated in terra station I could see the balance and the date it would become available. Last week I un deleg...
Now I have UST on the Terra network, I am looking for ideas about what to do with it (Buy something, stake something, do a pool etc). Bear in mind I know nothing about Terra ...
Hi everyone, I tried to pick up my luna from terra station but they just disappeared, I know it takes 21 days. At beginning I made a withdrawal request for a small portion and...
trying to transfer Luna from Terra to Osmosis - Terra hasn't appeared in Keplr however there is a new terra wallet address in Osmosis in asset deposit/withdrawal. Where can I ...
Let's say I deposit 1000$ during the stage 1, and on Day 5 I decide to withdraw 200$, at the start of phase 2 I will be able to withdraw the remaining 800$ right? Didn't reall...
What’s genesis ?
Hey folks! Im new here, got myself a nice bag of Luna off of Osmosis. Just downloaded Terrastation as well. I have a question..what is the best thing to do with my Luna? Is st...
What's the cheapest option to move UST from Binance to Terra right now?
Is it okay if I use metamask as a erc20 enabled wallet?
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