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When we stake ... how does this improve the blockchain?

What does staking actually achieve (other than apy)?

3 ответов

12 просмотров

from my point of view staking give it a guarantee that you really want to keep the money. For example if the crypto is about life farming the farmer who creates the token or currency will have a lot on his hands and will create a buy back on that currency, but when staked this means that you don't want to sell that currency anytime sooner which mean the money the farmer got from selling that token will be use to buy crop and other things to make the farming more easy when after the crops are sold he will have enough money which he got from selling his own token or crypto and my the end of the month or year he pays you your share and keeps he's share. So when some thing is staked there trying to say that amount is safe to be used out side and give a profit. that's why most stakes are for 1 month and above. The unstaking period means that you want to stop but the farmer has some time to get the money out and back to you. This is a rough expiation their are still other things involved

CryptoGamblerX- Автор вопроса
Hariton Mukadafe
from my point of view staking give it a guarantee ...

Your farmer example makes it sound like a ponzi scheme. Don't think you're explaining it clearly Interested in knowing the whole purpose of "staking on cartesi", as in what exactly does this do for the blockchain? Or is it just an incentive mechanism to attract people to develop on the blockchain? Also, can we please have a pipeline of current dApps? Thanks

Your farmer example makes it sound like a ponzi sc...

as i said that is one a rough example, but at least you get the point. their are development that goes on in the blockchain and stuffs like that, Creating once own blockchain is a big duty and Heavy works.

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