knc as collateral?
Does anyone know this?
Hi, you can check this: please notice that you need to double check the KNC contract address before conducting transaction
Oh thanks. Didn't know kyber was on Maker. I'm not too familiar with MKR. Is kyber as collateral option available on aave? (or some other platform like it)
hi, sorry about the previous msg, KNC is not available on Maker anymore. Aave is supporting old KNCL: please double check with Aave since they made no announcement about supporting new KNC
Oh damn. I converted to new KNC. Is there a way to convert it back to old KNC?
you can check FTX: Please verify with FTX again before making any trans
Thank you. That's helpful
Why the price of knc in coinecko is $2. Whereas on the btt network it's only $1.86?
I'm checking on it now
Okay sir, thanks for response
Please check dm
So what's the conclusion with the price difference?
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