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What is the collat ratio and how much can the

system absorb?

6 ответов

8 просмотров

Are you asking about FRAX's collateral ratio?

If so, the collateral ratio is the amount made up of other stablecoins like USDC, the rest of which is made up of the share token. The system started off as 100% CR at genesis, currently it's 87.25%

onlygoodtime- Автор вопроса
Jae | Built On Fraxtal
Are you asking about FRAX's collateral ratio?

Yeah. Your website never loafs that info for me.

onlygoodtime- Автор вопроса
Jae | Built On Fraxtal
If so, the collateral ratio is the amount made up ...

So the rest is backed by fxs right? But fxs itself is a revenue earning token. Is it earning the revenue by redeploying the usdc on another protocol like curve to generate the returns?

Yeah. Your website never loafs that info for me.

The website dashboard provides the values, while our docs provides you with the info: https://docs.frax.finance/v/en/ The part that isn't collateralized is FXS, and this is used to govern/stake/lock etc. AMOs do the redeploying to strengthen peg + bring value back to our participants.

onlygoodtime- Автор вопроса
Jae | Built On Fraxtal
The website dashboard provides the values, while o...

Dashboard never seems to want to load that info for me.

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