209 похожих чатов

Hey! Is anybody of devs here? Your bridge

don't works properly, I can't transfer tokens to EVM chain to deploy my dApp IOUverse for Ontology's Dorahacks hackathon. If I choose just ONTs wallet and try to wrap tokens but got "failed to connect". If I choose "Metamask" as receiver, got "Failed transaction". What's wrong?

6 ответов

4 просмотра

Hey, which tokens you are trying to bridge?

Stan-Takt Автор вопроса

ONTs from native chain to EVM

Stan Takt
ONTs from native chain to EVM

Have you seen the guide? https://medium.com/ontologynetwork/how-to-use-the-ontology-bridge-4b90603d45ce

Stan Takt
ONTs from native chain to EVM

I have bridged several times with no issue. Take a look at the guide, if you haven't already, then let me know which bit it fails at

Stan-Takt Автор вопроса

I get connection error when uses ONT wallet both for native chain and EVM. Can send you screenshot in DM if you approve.

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