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@Whitedrake14 can you help me understand one thing re LINK

token usage.

as far as i understand for example data calls are paid in LINK and denominated in USD for example. now the LINK token as with any crypto is very volatile, so some days it may be $20 or $10, now that would mean that if a company is calling data it may cost them 0.1 LINK one day and 0.05 link the next.

do you know of a way that is being developed that would abstract away the volitility from a users perspective?

5 ответов

14 просмотров

It isn't complicated to as you say abstract this away to price things to market in whatever currency. e.g. X USD represented in Y LINK. The base service fees are simple. The complexity IMO comes in re staking collateral requirements vs volatility. I suspect either DON's will require a certain level of reserve LINK to have available and or the incentive system in place for node ops to lock up more LINK in order to compete to be part of DON's facilitating higher value contracts will also serve as a reserve factor for overcoming crypto volatility in the shorter term until the "LINK market" matures.

Lyvoo- Автор вопроса
It isn't complicated to as you say abstract this a...

thats fair enough, thanks, guess its just a matter of the market stabalising and volatility reducing

thats fair enough, thanks, guess its just a matter...

It won't be an issue for end users, the base service fees are easy to deal with.. it will be more an issue for node ops / DON's re staking collateral requirements and overcoming volatility


which is actually good for token holders as more LINK has to be locked up to facilitate volatility

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